OmGlass.Co - Citrine Color Accent Vasuki (UV)
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Om Glass is a heady betty spaghetti artist based out of Denver, CO. Known for his signature silhouette the Vasuki Recycler as well as his Drip Drain Recyclers he playfully refers to as pissers 💦
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He has quite a few other original designs, and is coming out with more on the regular!
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We asked Om 🕉️ to whip us up the smallest rigs he could manage while retaining his amazing function, and he absolutely killed it!!
Function comes from 3-hole perc, and 3 connection point from bottom chamber to top 🔝 and 2 drains.
Joint: 10mm
Height: 5.5"
Signed and dated (2024)
Function is A1 👌